KCACTF works from the premise that effective theater is assessed by the depth and breadth of its ability to involve audiences in an experience that is both stimulating and illuminating, which emphasizes the spoken word; physical interpretation of the text based on genuine emotions; the humanity of individuals; and the relationships between characters.


Region II Selection Process


A school registers its Participating Production through the national office by following the “Production Registration” link on the www.kcactf2.org website


The Regional Chair assigns two participating respondents to attend the production. If the director is a student or guest, the Regional Chair will make every effort to consult with the faculty advisor or appropriate members of the school’ s faculty staff or administration in selecting respondents.

Both respondents try to attend the same performance and respond to the show together.  This is not always possible, so be aware that you may have respondents on different nights.

Each respondent fills out a response form, which is sent to the Regional Chair and the director (or other members of the school staff if the director is a student or guest). The response form includes the names of any Irene Ryan Nominees, Certificate of Merit recommendations (if any)  and the names of any student designers.  Finally, each respondent notes whether or not he or she recommends that the show be held for consideration for performance at the Regional Festival in January.  The respondents’ recommendation may be split. If either respondent recommends a show be held, it will be considered during selection weekend.

If a respondent recommends the production, he or she also provides a detailed written response regarding the production’s successes and challenges The respondent should address acting, directing, design, stage management, and any other issues he or she feels is important to note.

  • SELECTION: A selection meeting is held on the 1st Saturday in December.  All respondents who have recommended productions are asked to attend.   Copies of the written responses are provided to all attendees. In order to keep the deliberation as fair as possible, names of respondents, schools, directors, students and other identifying tags are redacted.   The Regional Chair informs the Selection Team of the number of invited production slots available.  The discussion of recommended productions then goes through several rounds:

Recommended Production Voting Process

    • All the positive comments about each production are shared aloud so that everyone is aware of the strength of the work in the region, and why the productions were held for consideration.
    • All challenges about each production are shared.   Before the challenges of a given production are discussed, any meeting participants from the school entering the production are asked to leave the room and remain outside until the discussion of their production is concluded.   Discussion with the respondents might include the pros vs. cons of the show, or elaboration on the written comments.  If a respondent is not able to travel to the meeting, they are asked to be available by phone so that the Selection Team can call with any questions or concerns. At the end of this discussion, any participants who have left the room are invited to return.
    • The Regional Chair then calls for an initial vote to determine which productions should remain under consideration.  If the number of productions left is equal to the number of production slots available, the meeting could end.
  • More likely….
  • ROUND THREE (if needed):
    • Productions still on the table are scrutinized in greater detail.  Again, those involved with a production under discussion are asked to leave the room.  If one school has two or more productions remaining under consideration at this point, we will consult the school as to which production it prefers to keep in the running. Regional policy is that no school may bring more than one invited production to a regional festival.
  • VOTE:
    • The Regional Chair then calls for another vote to determine which productions should be removed from consideration.  If the number of productions left is equal to the number of production slots available, the meeting could end.
  • ROUND FOUR (if needed):
    • A final discussion period.  Only at this point do we include the merits of bringing a classic work, a musical, a new play, or what we think our students need to see – crafting a season, so to speak.

Our goal is to bring the best College Theatre from our region to the Regional Festival. Sometimes there are challenges to this mission.  For example, the best production in the region may not have been entered.  A production cannot travel for multiple reasons – finances being a major obstacle.  We rely on respondents’ aesthetic and discretion, which can be uneven at times, although we make every effort to ensure that those on the Participating Selection Team provide positive experiences when responding.

If you have suggestions or ideas on how we might improve our process, please don’t hesitate to send me an email.

We invite any and all to be part of the process!  If you would like to become a respondent, or just observe the selection meeting, please contact me.


Suzanne Delle

Suzanne Delle



York College of Pennsylvania