Design, Technology,
& Management (DTM)
Region 2 DTM Mission Statement:
At Region II, we are committed to strengthening and broadening the programming offered in the Design, Technology, and Management areas to the students in our region. It is essential that we provide students with informative and energizing activities that will further their development as artists, technicians, and managers.
It is necessary to have venues that allow students to learn new skills, engage with their peers, be introduced to new technologies, present their work, and receive constructive feedback from industry-leading professionals.

Design Awards, Allied Design and Technology, and Stage Management Fellowships
The purpose of the KCACTF Awards for Theatrical Design Excellence, Allied Design and Technology, and the Stage Management Fellowship is to provide student designers, technical artists, and stage managers with the opportunity to exhibit their work through displays, presentations, and interviews; to receive feedback from professionals working in the field; to give outstanding student work national recognition; and to provide the opportunity for student award recipients to exhibit their work at the Kennedy Center or other national venues.
- A Bona Fide Student*1 who attended an institution in the previous calendar year (2024)*2 that is in Region 2*3 .
- The student’s design/craft/stage management work*4 at their home institution in Region 2 from the previous calendar year (2024).
- Attend the Regional Festival 57 (Spring 2025) to display their design project or stage management project and participate in response sessions/interviews.
*1 A bona fide student is:(
An undergraduate student* registered for at least six semester or equivalent quarter hours;
A graduate student* registered for at least three semester or equivalent quarter hours;
Or a continuing part-time student* enrolled in a regular degree or certificate program.
- *Undergraduate, graduate, and continuing part-time students must be matriculating and pursuing a degree at the time of the KCACTF official response.
- Students that graduated or completed their programs in the immediately preceding calendar and who met the above requirements during their final term are also considered eligible.
- Students that graduated or completed their programs in the immediately preceding calendar and who met the above requirements during their final term are also considered eligible.
*2Spring 2024 – Fall 2024
*3 Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, New Jersey, Western New York, Northern Virginia,, Pennsylvania, West Virginia.
*4 Realized or Unrealized (Class projects)

DTM National Awards
Scenic Design Excellence Award
The recipient will attend the National Festival.
While at the National Festival, students will spend a week in hands-on workshops, meeting professionals in the field, and touring theatres in the D.C. area.
The digital version of their exhibit will be displayed at a virtual national gallery.
The recipient will also receive the URTA Candidate Award, which provides free registration for the URTA Auditions and Interviews, including free admission to continuing education sessions and other programming.
Costume Design Excellence Award
The recipient will attend the National Festival.
While at the National Festival, students will spend a week in hands-on workshops, meeting professionals in the field, and touring theatres in the D.C. area.
The digital version of their exhibit will be displayed at a virtual national gallery.
The recipient will also receive the URTA Candidate Award, which provides free registration for the URTA Auditions and Interviews, including free admission to continuing education sessions and other programming.
Lighting Design Excellence Award
The recipient will attend the National Festival.
While at the National Festival, students will spend a week in hands-on workshops, meeting professionals in the field, and touring theatres in the D.C. area.
The digital version of their exhibit will be displayed at a virtual national gallery.
The recipient will also receive the URTA Candidate Award, which provides free registration for the URTA Auditions and Interviews, including free admission to continuing education sessions and other programming.
Sound Design Excellence Award
The recipient will attend the National Festival.
While at the National Festival, students will spend a week in hands-on workshops, meeting professionals in the field, and touring theatres in the D.C. area.
The digital version of their exhibit will be displayed at a virtual national gallery.
The recipient will also receive the URTA Candidate Award, which provides free registration for the URTA Auditions and Interviews, including free admission to continuing education sessions and other programming.
Projection Design Excellence Award
The recipient will attend the USITT National Conference.
At the USITT conference, students will spend a week in hands-on workshops and meet professionals in the field.
The digital version of their exhibit will be displayed at a virtual national gallery.
The recipient will also receive the URTA Candidate Award, which provides free registration for the URTA Auditions and Interviews, including free admission to continuing education sessions and other programming.
The Randy Lutz Allied Design & Technology Award
The recipient will attend the USITT National Conference.
At the USITT conference, students will spend a week in hands-on workshops and meet professionals in the field.
The digital version of their exhibit will be displayed at a virtual national gallery.
The recipient will also receive the URTA Candidate Award, which provides free registration for the URTA Auditions and Interviews, including free admission to continuing education sessions and other programming.
Vectorworks Award
One-year subscription to Vectorworks Spotlight one per region awarded to a student who would benefit from having access to this computer program.
Valued at over $3000.00.
Stage Management Fellowship
One student in each region will be selected to attend the National Festival as a Stage Management Fellow.
While at the National Festival, students will spend a week in hands-on workshops, meeting professionals in the field, and touring theatres in the D.C. area.
The recipient will also receive complimentary registration to the online Broadway Stage Management Symposium.
The recipient will also receive the URTA Candidate Award, which provides free registration for the URTA Auditions and Interviews, including free admission to continuing education sessions and other programming.
Don Childs DTM Cross-Discipline Collaboration Award
Collaboration is at the heart of what we do as theatre artists.
The DTM Don Childs Cross-Discipline Collaboration Award celebrates this and is awarded to someone that exhibits the highest level of collaboration in their project – without their contributions to the production they worked on that production would not have been as successful. Certificate only
ETC Emerging Designer Award
This is to be awarded to a student in each region that shows promise in the area of Lighting who would benefit from having their own lighting console.
The award is an ETC Nomad kit which includes a Nomad dongle and an ETC Gadget II. This kit turns their computer into a lighting console capable of outputting up to 2 Universes of DMX, as long as they own the Nomad software key .
It also allows their computer the ability to interface with an active Eos control system and the ETC Augmented 3D programming environment included as part of the Eos software.
Jane Childs DTM Legacy Award
This award will be awarded to a first-time presenter. one recipient per region.
The Dramatic Imagination by Robert Edmond Jones, sponsored by Focal Press. The National DTM Chair will mail it to the students.
DTM Regional Awards
Outstanding Hair & Makeup Award
This award is given to the outstanding achievement in makeup and hairstyling for Theatre.
Student Choice Award
Any student entered in DTM may cast one vote for any entry except one from their own academic institution.
The recipient will attend the USITT National Conference sponsored by the USITT Chesapeake Section.
At the USITT conference, students will spend a week in hands-on workshops and meet professionals in the field.
The August Wilson Fellowship in Theatrical Production for Students of Color in Design and Theatre Technology
Deadline to Apply: February 28, 2025
The August Wilson Fellowship application page
THE AUGUST WILSON FELLOWSHIP IN THEATRICAL PRODUCTION for Students of Color in Design and Theatre Technology, created to bolster emerging BIPOC theatre professionals by providing opportunities at the highest level of immersive training and practice in technical theatre, theatre production, and design in a professional workplace.
The August Wilson Fellowship in Theatrical Production will take place Summer 2025 (mid-June through mid-August) at the famed O’Neill Theatre Center—known as “the launchpad of American Theatre”—where the early plays of August Wilson were workshopped.
- Eligibility for the August Wilson Fellowship in Theatrical Production is open to BIPOC applicants from all accredited universities or training programs throughout the United States. Self-nominations are accepted. Candidates from historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are encouraged to apply.
- A panel of advisors/reviewers will determine the best qualifying entry.
- The profile of successful candidates for this Fellowship are those highly motivated and interested in pursuing a career in Technical Theatre, Theatre Production, and/or Design.
To apply, you will need:
1. A bio and short answers to the questions:
. What are your goals for your journey in technical theatre, theatre production, and/or design?
. What excites you about technical theatre, theatre production, and/or design? What technological advances or new developments in theatre would you like to learn more about or incorporate into your work?
2. A resume of experience in Technical Theatre, Theatre Production, and/or Design
3. Contact information for at least two references familiar with your work (i.e., faculty, mentor, advisor, director, etc.)
4. Work samples from at least three projects or productions that thoroughly demonstrate your process and abilities. (Example work samples can include but are not limited to: production photos, sketches, ground plans, light plots, cue lists, video clips, sound clips, drafting, renderings, thumbnails, storyboards, behind-the-scenes photos, lists, run sheets, patterns, research, samples, process photos, mockups, budgets, or schedules.)
Deadline to Apply: February 28, 2025
For any questions on concerns, please contact College of Fellows Dean Dr. Sandra Shannon at
The DTM Chair and Co-Vice Chairs work alongside a group of dedicated industry-leading professionals who help to create and support regional programming. If you are interested in learning more about DTM Programs, please contact the Regional DTM Chairs below.

Shana Joslyn
DTM Chair 2025-2028
McDaniel College

Naoko Skala
DTM Vice Chair 2024-2027
The College of Wooster

Howard Patterson
DTM Vice Chair 2025-2028
University of Pittsburgh