Musical Theatre Intensive

Welcome Musical Theatre Performers

The Musical Theatre Intensive (MTI) is dedicated to providing opportunities for students interested in developing their skills as musical theatre performers. We offer workshops in all areas of musical theatre performance including voice, acting, and dance, as well as performance opportunities at various events throughout the festival. There is an opportunity to audition for the MTI Scholarship Award as well as a slot in a festival favorite, the Musical Theatre Cabaret!

What Happens At The Festival

Students can take several musical theatre workshops scheduled on each day of the festival, in all kinds of topics related to musical theatre performance.

The scholarship auditions will consist of a preliminary round on the first day of the festival, followed by a semi-final round, with finals taking place on the last day of the festival. One person from the Scholarship Award auditions will be selected to attend the national festival at the Kennedy Center!

Some students who audition for the MTI Scholarship Award and do not advance to the semifinals will be invited to perform in the MTI cabaret. They will rehearse with an accompanist prior to that event and perform a full song. (Be sure to bring your sheet music with you to the festival in case you are selected to perform in the cabaret! Please also see Sheet Music Guidelines below.)

Students will have several opportunities to participate in dance workshops at the festival. One performer will be selected from these workshops to receive the Musical Theatre Intensive Dance Award for the region.

Students nominated for MTI for their performance in a musical production at their home institution are invited to perform in a group number at closing ceremonies. This group will rehearse together at the festival to learn music, harmonies, blocking, choreography, etc., before the performance.

MTI Scholarship Award Audition Details

  • The MTI Scholarship Auditions take place over three rounds. The preliminary round is open to all students who register by the deadline of December 16, 2024. Of these, some performers will advance to the semifinal round, after which a select group will advance to finals.
  • Two performers will be selected from finals as the MTI Scholarship Award recipient and runner-up for the region. Both will earn a $200 scholarship and will perform at the closing ceremonies. The regional selectee will also advance to the national conference at the Kennedy Center.
  • All rounds will be performed live at the festival, and should feature music from the musical theatre or musical theatre-adjacent canon.
    • Preliminary round – one 90-second cut
    • Semifinal round – two cuts up to 4 minutes, total
    • Final round – one full song
  • Students are allowed (encouraged!) to use the same material in multiple rounds.
  • All material will be performed with piano accompaniment provided by KCACTF; those auditioning may not bring their own accompanist. Students will need to have clean copies of their sheet music clearly marked and double-sided in a three-ring binder. Please ensure that none of the sheet music, including the accompaniment lines, has been cut off due to a crooked or improperly sized photocopy.
  • Since participants will not know whether they will advance to semifinals until after they arrive at festival, all MTI Scholarship Award participants should bring their prepared sheet music for both of their songs to the festival.
  • Register for the MTI Scholarship Auditions via this link by December 16. You will be asked to enter your name, contact information, and audition material (song, musical, and writers).


Tommy Iafrate

Tommy Iafrate


Binghamton University

Bryan Vandevender

Bryan Vandevender


Bucknell University