The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival
Due Date: February 1, 2023
As you are reviewing or reflecting on final or mid-term papers for the Fall 2022 or Winter/Spring 2022 semesters, please consider submitting your work.
KCACTF is pleased to continue an awards program for undergraduate theatre scholars attending KCACTF participating institutions. In order to further student activity in the discipline of theatre scholarship, this program encourages and rewards research and scholarly writing among undergraduates throughout the nation. Research Papers on all areas of the art and craft of Theatre, the outcome of class assignments or students’ own research interests, will be reviewed by KCACTF-appointed readers for a cash award and a KCACTF National Festival residency in April, 2023.
The submitting student must be a bona fide, matriculated undergraduate student.
The submitted manuscript should have been written no earlier than January 2022.
At this time, co-authored manuscripts will not be considered for the awards.
- All submissions will be in PDF format. No paper copies will be accepted.
- Each manuscript will be submitted with a blind title page:
- Title of Paper
- Date
- The statement: “This is a copyrighted work submitted for review purposes only”
- The manuscript itself will have no author identification within the body of the paper [headers, footers, at pagination points, etc.]
Work may be submitted here for consideration:
KCACTF National Account Submission Manager – Undergraduate Theatre Scholar Award (
Deadline: by February 1, 2023
Gregg Henry
Artistic Director
Education Division
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Washington DC 20566-0001