Play an active dramaturgy role in this year’s festival!
Interested in a dramaturgical challenge? Want to virtually collaborate with student playwrights, directors, and actors to help develop, rehearse, and perform a virtual staged reading at Festival? Developed in conjunction the National Playwriting Program, NPP Embedded Dramaturgy offers student dramaturgs a chance to work directly with the playwright of a brand-new play. Applicants will be matched with their playwright prior to Festival, which will allow them to begin a dialogue and commence research. Once Festival begins, the dramaturg will work in online rehearsals and workshops to provide research support, feedback, and ideas about the content of the work. NPP Embedded Dramaturgs do not need prior experience, or even to bring anything in particular with them aside from any research they have started prior to rehearsals. While NPP Embedded Dramaturgy requires a considerable time commitment in virtual rehearsals, students will be able to participate in other areas and workshops at the Festival.
Applications for Embedded Dramaturgy will be open in late Fall 2022.
For Festival 55, submissions are sought for the following competitions:
- The KCACTF Region 2 Dramaturgy Program Note Award
- The KCACTF Region 2 Lobby Display Award
- The KCACTF Region 2 Outstanding Classroom Dramaturgy Award
Each of these categories is loosely defined. Please use the checkbox below to indicate which contest you are submitting for. Students wishing to submit to multiple areas (program note, lobby display, classwork) should do so on separate submissions, but please, only one submission per area.
Applications will be evaluated by the guest dramaturg and winners will be announced at closing ceremonies. While we do welcome applications from students who are also applying for the LMDA/KCACTF National Dramaturgy Award, this is open to all students who meet the criterion.
Please select a valid formContact
Bryan Vandevender
Dramaturgy Coordinator
Bucknell University