Festival 57 Invited Productions

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) (revised) (again)
By: Adam Long, Daniel Singer, Jess Winfield
New Revisions by Daniel Singer and Jess Winfield
Millersville University
Directed by Jonathan Strayer
Performing on Tuesday, Jan. 14th (After Opening)
PNC Theatre at the Pittsburgh Playhouse
Point Park University

A Doll's House
By: Henrik Ibsen
Marshall University
Directed by Leah Turley
Performing on Thursday, Jan. 16th @ 10am and 2pm
Rauh Theatre at the Pittsburgh Playhouse
Point Park University

The Thanksgiving Play
By: Larissa FastHorse
Indiana University of Pennslyvania
Directed by Richard Kemp
Performing on Thursday, Jan. 16th & Friday, Jan. 17th @ 7:30pm
Henry Heymann Theatre, University of Pittsburgh

Marty and the Hands That Could
By: Josh Wilder
Coppin State University
Directed by Willie O. Jordan
Performing on Wednesday, Jan. 15th @ 7:30pm
PNC Theatre at the Pittsburgh Playhouse
Point Park University

The Inseparables
By: TJ Young
University of Pittsburgh
Directed by Ricardo Vila-Roger
Performing on Thursday, Jan. 16th & Friday, Jan. 17th @ 7:30pm
Charity Randall Theatre, University of Pittsburgh
Each year Region 2 invites between 5 and 8 shows from schools in our region to re-mount their production during the festival. These productions are considered some of the best in the region, and are eligible for National Recognition. In order to be eligible for consideration for this performance and recognition, schools register their shows as Participating Productions. Two respondents attend the show and provide feedback to our regional selection committee, which will then meet in December to determine which shows are invited each festival. Those shows not selected for a full presentation or those entered as associate productions may be invited to bring a select scene from their show for presentation during the festival.
Shows must be responded to by December 6th, 2024 to be eligible for inclusion in Festival 57